Community Memorials

In addition to direct educational efforts, the Foundation manages funds and ongoing maintenance for multiple local community memorials so that a visible link to our community’s past may be remembered by all of its members.
Norwin Area Veterans Memorial
The area’s newest memorial, located at the top of the main driveway to Norwin High School, is designed to honor Norwin area graduates from 1958 to present who have lost their lives while serving our country. If you would like to contribute to the maintenance fund for this memorial, contact Dr. Jack Boylan via email.
Norwin Vets 2000 Memorial
Erected in front of the North Huntingdon Township Townhouse for the year 2000, this memorial honors local servicemen and women. It is a peaceful spot for reflection, meditation and prayer. If you would like to add a brick or contribute to the maintenance of this plaza, contact Dr. Jack Boylan via email.